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Membership Fees and Application Process

The lifetime membership fee for a new member is currently $400. Members who have more than one qualifying ancestor may submit supplemental applications.  Supplementals are $125 for each ancestor line submitted.


All membership applications and supplementals must now be prepared using the Society's current application, which is an easy-to-use PDP form completed using a computer.  All prospective new members must be invited to apply for membership in the Society.  Members should send letters of recommendation to the Richmond, Virginia office by mail or by e-mail.  Be sure to include your full name and the name and mailing address of the person you wish to sponsor, with a few lines about the candidate.  The Membership Committee can then send an invitation to apply and a form which the applicant can use to order the software.  To ensure that only the most recent version is utilized, each prospective member must order his or her own application software. Old versions of the software in the possession of current members may not be used.  To do so will delay the application process.


These procedures are necessary in order for the Society to effectively and efficiently archive member lineages, thereby enhancing the benefit of this information to new applicants and members wishing to submit supplemental lines.


New members are immediately entitled to recommend family, friends or acquaintances for membership in the Jamestowne Society.  There is no waiting period, and there is no annual limit on the number of people a member may sponsor who are direct descendants of a qualifying ancestor.

Ships at Jamestowne, Virginia

Jamestowne, Virginia 1607

For more information contact the Governor of the Roanoke-New River Valley Company, Ms. Sandra Parsell, by clicking on

the following button:

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